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• 01) Whoop My Bottom

• 02) NEXT UP

"The HeeBee GeeBees"

    Not to be confused with the "BeeGees", the HeeBee GeeBees are a simple, sometimes raw, sometimes light hearted, sometimes goofy, sometimes serious? (just kidding) band. Though instrumentation may vary at times, the band is driven primarily by Guitar, Drums, Bass, Saxophone & Harmonica. A young/old band, the HeeBee GeeBees have a few members who work “REAL” jobs, and getting out to play can be tuff. But, they love music none the less, and enjoy when a crowd has a good time.
       - Johnny F / CMC Records
            - September 2016




"The HeeBee GeeBees"

• original first Single release date (September 5th, 2016)

The HeeBee GeeBees  Project Notes:  BY SONG

1) WHOOP MY BOTTOM / Song Writer F. Riddell / Publishing (BMI)
Whoop My Bottom is the DEBUT release by "The HeeBee GeeBees". Not to be confused with the "BeeGees", the HeeBee GeeBees are a simple, sometimes raw, sometimes light hearted, sometimes goofy, sometimes serious? (just
kidding) band. Though instrumentation may vary at times, the band is driven primarily by Guitar, Drums, Bass, Saxophone & Harmonica. A young/old band, the HeeBee GeeBees have a few members who work “REAL” jobs, and getting out to play can be tuff. But, they love music none the less, and enjoy when a crowd has a good time. “The DEBUT single, ‘Whoop My Bottom’, is something that just came out of simplicity.” said saxophone / harmonica / guitar & vocalist Frazier Riddell. “In the studio, we just kind of said let’s lay some tracks for this ‘whoop my bottom’ hook line that had floated into existence one day. The song, not even complete at that point (if you can call it complete now LOL) was just a very simple hook. We took it from there, and as we began to lay tracks, the rest of the lyrics just came into place.”  The HeeBee GeeBees are just having a good time, or so it seems, and as artists, this is their first painting to offer to the public. I personally cannot wait to see what is next.
         - Johnny F / CMC Records


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